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Parent & Student Handbooks

Parent & Student Handbook

Click below to open the CTK Parent/Student Handbook 2024-2025

PK Handbook

Click below to open the CTK PK Handbook 2023-2024


CTK Writing Rubric

IDEAS – ClarityIdeas are unclear; difficult to followIdeas are somewhat clear; difficult to followIdeas are clear; easy to follow
IDEAS – FocusTopic has no directionTopic has some direction; wandersTopic stays on track
IDEAS – QualityDetails are too basic, not developedDetails show more developmentDetails appear to be written by an expert
ORGANIZATION – IntroductionLacks interesting lead; does not grab reader’s attentionIntroduction generates some interest to read onIntroduction raises strong interest in continuing to read on
ORGANIZATION – SequenceNo order; ideas are not linkedSome order to the details; some ideas are linkedEffective order; ideas are linked
ORGANIZATION – Effective ConclusionPaper just ends; reader left with questionsConclusion evident; some questions still unansweredConclusion brings ideas together and answers reader’s questions
VOICE – EnthusiasmWriter shows no interest in topicWriter shows mild interest in topicWriter shows obvious interest in topic
VOICE – InvolvementWriter does not engage the audienceSome engagement between the writer and audienceWriter fully engaged; feel writer is speaking directly to you
VOICE – ToneInappropriate tone; language is incorrect for intended audienceLanguage and tone are more appropriate for intended audienceLanguage and tone are directed to the intended audience
WORD CHOICE – ImagesDoes not create a picture in the reader’s mindPicture is developing in the reader’s mind; more descriptive words neededClear picture is created in the reader’s mind
WORD CHOICE – Effective Use of Everyday WordsIneffective use of wordsSome words used effectivelySelection of words are appropriate and enhance writing
FLUENCY – SmoothnessSentences have no connection to one anotherSome sentences flow into one another; others are awkwardSentences flow into one another
FLUENCY – Variety and LogicSentence beginnings are repetitiousSome sentences have variety in the beginningSentence beginnings are varied
FLUENCY – Differences in Length and PatterningNo variety in length or structure of sentencesSome variety in length and structure of sentencesSentences are unique with variety in length and structure
CONVENTIONS – EditingNo evidence of proofreading or editingSome evidence of proofreading and editingEvidence that the author has edited and proofread with care
CONVENTIONS – MechanicsMany errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and usage, paragraphing and capitalizationFew errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and usage, paragraphing and capitalizationProper spelling, punctuation, grammar and usage, paragraphing and capitalization
CONVENTIONS – PresentationNo attention given to neatness and correct formatSome attention given to neatness and correct formatPride is evident in final draft; work is neat and correctly formatted